How it Works

The Savings Advantage

The goal is to quickly take a deeper view of a business that will return a higher quality result at an affordable cost, using our knowledge of a combination of business analytics, finance, and segmented corporate industry recommendations. The advantages:

  • Timing – compare businesses QUICKLY! Save days or weeks when using our evaluations. Once we have all the required information, we will send you a completed report within 5 business days of each completed data submission!
  • Cost – best deals for $150 per report!! (Business analysts could charge thousands of dollars to analyze a single business thoroughly).

*If desired, we are available to perform a deeper analysis. Please contact us by email for details.

Interpreting the Report

In the report, you will find an estimated business valuation and several categories involving reduced offering prices. Attached to each pricing category is a value that refers to what money you would keep AFTER the other major components of the analysis/transaction would have been addressed. Generating this value is the primary core of our service, giving buyers a much more comprehensive review of a business to make good decisions EARLY. We like to refer to this value as REAL forecasted earnings, or REAL profits.

The other pricing categories provide very useful information. First, several businesses you review may be overpriced. With all of the different projections represented on the report, one will be close to our calculation of fair market value, and will provide the associated forecasted real earnings (less income taxes). Second, as with real estate, many sellers are willing to negotiate their asking price. Whatever you estimate you can accomplish in a negotiation for price, there should be an offering price selection on the report that will be close to that value, and will show you those earnings.

Please view an Example Report for a deeper understanding.

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